
Home>About>Human resource
  • Talent standard
    Have a strong desire to work,
    Also has outstanding work ability,
    Both ability and political integrity.
  • The basic concept of human resource management
    Respect people, motivate people, and develop people.
    The first requirement of talent
    Be a good person beforehand, and be a self-cultivator.
  • The way to choose people
    Good ideology and morality;
    Good learning ability;
    Good communication skills; good body.
  • The way to educate people
    Through continuous training and learning,
    Update knowledge and improve quality,
    Achieve learning and use.
  • The way to use people
    Trust employees and respect employees,
    Think of talent as the most important thing for the company Wealth.
  • The way to keep people
    Career, emotion,
    Salary and benefits are fundamental to retaining people.
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